Open Gym

Posted January 18, 2016

When the doors are open, you’ll have access to Open Gym! We don’t restrict your usage or what time you use the facility.

Whether you want to do an extra metcon, work on specific skills/lifts, or do your own programming, you’ll have space at the Riv. Our ‘Cage’ area is designated for Open Gym use and is equipped with two Olympic Weightlifting platforms, jerk blocks, a rig, and plenty of bars/weights. When no classes are scheduled, you’ll also have access to the main floor, turf, and all of our equipment. A coach will always be at the gym and available to help spot, start the clock, or give you that extra push.

Open Gym is included in the Premium and Standard Memberships. We also have an Open Gym only membership for $90/month!


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