Posted February 11, 2016

Get fit with Friends!! Join us for our second FREE Community Workout on March 12th! Classes will be 8 and 10 am.
We are hosting two FREE community workouts for ANYONE ages 12 and up! Both are RivFit (boot-camp style) and can be modified for any skill or athletic level! Come join our family for a fun, exhilarating workout and see what everyone is talking about. Bring your friends, family, coworkers, or just come alone and we’ll make you feel at home. You do NOT need to be a member or know a member to come!!!
Any level, no CrossFit experience needed! AGES 12 and up, fun for all!
Any Questions Please Contact Us:
Phone 302-745-2348
Posted February 9, 2016
The customized Atlas Power Wraps that we had in stock at The Riv can now be purchased directly through Atlas! Follow the link below and it will take you to the ordering page. There are (3) options already designed for quick ordering, as well as the option to customize your own!
Posted January 31, 2016

Congratulations to Riv Athletes, Shannon and Erik, on a great showing at their Olympic Lifting competition today at CrossFit West Chester. Shannon had a Snatch of 59 kg and a Clean and Jerk of 80 kg. She took home the Sinclair award for best overall lifter in the female division!
Erik, competing in his first weightlifting competition, had a Snatch of 68 kg and a Clean and Jerk of 110 kg. He tied for first place in his division with his lifts; however, was awarded second place due to being a little heavier in body weight.
Way to represent the Riv!!
Posted January 25, 2016
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Posted January 21, 2016

Starting January 30th, the Saturday 11:15 am Advanced WOD will be replaced with a Turf WOD!! This class will be open to all CrossFit (Premium) members, regardless of experience.
The CrossFit classes rarely get to do any turf work unless they take an occasional RivFit class. We wanted to bring CrossFit over to the turf by making it a permanent Saturday morning class! You’ll get familiar with the equipment/exercises we have available, like sleds, battle ropes, and farmer’s carries. Also, we are going to incorporate agility work, sprints, and other conditioning pieces to make you a more well-rounded athlete! It is not a Strongman focus, but more of a conditioning focus using that equipment, e.g. lighter/fast sled pushes vs. heavy sled pushes. The turf movements could be part of the strength/skill or could be incorporated into the entire WOD!
Get ready to get mobile, agile, and hostile!!
Posted January 15, 2016
Our second Athlete of the Month for January is Michael Menago!! Mike puts in hours (and hours!) of work at the box and has grown tremendously as an athlete. Big things to come, congratulations Mike!
1. What made you decide to join the Riv?
I initially joined the Riv to help get in shape for a career in law enforcement. A friend had me try CrossFit for the first time at another box but when I saw everything the Riv had to offer I decided to sign up here instead.
2. How has CrossFit Riverfront helped you reach some of your fitness goals?
I’ve come a long way since joining. I’ve lost about 40lbs and hit numerous milestones in my lifts, endurance and above all mobility which has always been a weak point of mine. I find myself constantly pushing the boundaries of my fitness goals as they improve. What started as a means to simply get in better shape has evolved into so much more. Most of which can be contributed to the Competitors Programming, I highly suggest it to anyone interested!
3. What has been your favorite workout? What have you improved on most?
My favorite workout will always be Murph. Not only is it a great physical challenge but a mental one as well. And it’s in memory of a true bad ass, Lt. Michael Murphy. As corny as it sounds I’ve seen so many improvements since starting I wouldn’t be able to pick just one.
4. What is your favorite part of the Riv?
The community. From the coaches to the members I’d be hard pressed to find a more supportive and friendly community anywhere else.
Posted January 15, 2016
Big congratulations to Laura Mood for being selected as Athlete of the Month for January!! Proud to call you a Rivermonster!
1. What made you decide to join the Riv?
I was jealous of my husband (Mike). Mike joined in the Riv in July of 2013. After 10 months of rolling my eyes and listening to “the Riv this and the Riv that” and hearing about all these new “friends” he had made, I finally joined.
2. How has CrossFit Riverfront helped you reach some of your fitness goals?
CrossFit is the only thing I have ever done for fitness (outside of Volleyball) that I have stuck to faithfully for a long period of time. I will bitch and complain how awful a WOD is going to be, how bad it was and say that I’m never doing it again, but know walking out the door I’ll be back at 5:15 a.m. the next day. I joined to lose weight. I no longer weigh myself. I feel healthy and strong and that makes me feel more confident than being a size smaller.
3. What has been your favorite workout? What have you improved on most?
I enjoy anything with the barbell- none of the gymnastics/skills crap! I would say I’ve improved the most in the gymnastics/skills movements but I still have a LONG way to go.
4. What is your favorite part of the Riv?
Hands down – the Community. I never in my wildest dreams thought that I would form so many new friendships at a gym. Sometimes it shocks me how some coaches and my fellow athletes have more confidence in my capabilities than I have in myself. It’s something I have never experienced before, even playing collegiate volleyball.
I picked this picture because it was at my lowest point in CrossFit- I had just torn my ACL. I thought I was done. Little did I know it was just the beginning…. Even with my banged up body I still had a smile on my face…. Amazing.
Posted January 1, 2016

Posted December 29, 2015
We are featuring double the awesome to close out the year! This month we’ll have two installments for December Athletes of the Month.
Let’s start by recognizing the tremendous efforts of Alecia Sanders and Jim Cerase. Congratulations guys!

What made you decide to join the Riv?
I have always been curious about trying CrossFit and finally decided to give it a shot after stumbling upon a Living Social deal being offered by CrossFit Riverfront. My decision to become a “Riv Monster” was based on the changes I experienced mentally and physically and the support from the members of the community.
How has CrossFit Riverfront helped you reach some of your fitness goals?
I love that CrossFit has and continues to bring out my strengths and weaknesses. CrossFit has also helped me get out of my comfort zone and push myself further than I ever would if I trained alone.
What has been your favorite workout? What have you improved on most?
“Grace” is my favorite by far. Once upon a time, I could barely clean a barbell. Now, I can’t get enough of it! The biggest improvement I have seen has been with my flexibility. I actually stretch now 🙂
What is your favorite part of the Riv?
The coaches and members are what keep me coming back again and again! I love the competitive atmosphere, the support given when it is needed, and the friendships that are formed.

What made you decide to join the Riv?
I was tired of going to the gym by myself and not getting any results. I wanted to be pushed to train harder and always go further than what I was doing.
How has CrossFit Riverfront helped you reach some of your fitness goals?
CrossFit Riverfront has helped get me back to being happy again with working out. With CrossFit, you don’t have to worry about working out certain body parts each day because you work out your entire body which is what I needed after my cancer treatments.
What has been your favorite workout? What have you improved on most?
Honestly, my favorite workout is all of them. Every single workout, no matter how hard, pushes me more and more but I have to admit, I do like “Fran.” I feel that I have most improved on pull-ups. Up until about a year ago, I had never been able to do one (still not great at them but can do sets of them now).
What is your favorite part of the Riv?
My favorite part is the encouragement by everyone during the workouts. Doesn’t matter what level you may be at, everyone cheers you on.
Posted December 16, 2015
You’d never know it from the weather, but 2015 is almost over and the holiday season is in full swing. The Riv got off to an early start, holding our awesome annual holiday party!
We had everything you need for a great time: fantastic food and drinks, a beer garden and props for photos, heartfelt speeches and a dance floor, and of course an incredible photographer to document how nicely we all clean up!
But most importantly we had the opportunity to hang out and spread some holiday cheer with our CrossFit family.
Our members are so much more than names on a whiteboard and this party was a festive reflection of that. We WOD hard and we play hard, and we do it as a team. Thank you to everyone that attended for being such a supportive, fun, and dedicated member of our community. Let’s make 2016 a year to remember!
Photos by Shane Monroe; click individual photo for full size.