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Business Card Draw!
Posted March 15, 2017Are your co-workers tired of hearing words like WOD and AMRAP and think you are crazy!? Well it’s time to introduce them to what RIV Athletics is all about! Drop your business card in the fish bowl to enter your company in a monthly drawing to receive a special trial period and rate for the month they are selected!
What they’ll win?
2 weeks free of Standard Classes
2 FREE cycling classes
15% off first month of a new Standard or Premium auto-pay membership
Potential corporate discount!
What you’ll win?
$50 credit to your account for every 2 employees from your business that sign up for a new Premium or Standard auto-pay membership!
Athlete of the Month: Mike Turick
Posted March 2, 2017
- My wife! She gave me a gift card as a birthday present in summer 2014 since I had expressed interest in CrossFit. I did a trial membership and really enjoyed the varied workouts and tight-knit community, and decided to join full time.
- I didn’t establish fitness goals until I joined the Riv. The coaches are amazing and the workout programming has helped me focus on improving my core lifts. It’s really gratifying to see progress through new PR’s, or learning new gymnastics skills that I never thought I would be able to do.
- Favorite workout – Fight Gone Bad. Biggest improvement – first Fran time: 9:07; most recent: 4:54.
- I have two favorite parts of the Riv – the community and the coaches. I’ve created some great friendships at the Riv all while increasing my fitness level.
dRIVen Athlete of the Week
Posted February 22, 2017Cycling Schedule
Posted February 12, 2017We are excited to officially start the RivCycling Program on February 13th! The updated gym schedule can be found HERE! The Cycling classes are as follows:
Monday – Friday
6:00 AM, 12:00 PM (Sprint, 30 Min Class), 5:45 PM (CycleFit on Tuesday)
Saturday Sunday
9:00 AM 10:30 AM
Shannon Matheny
Posted February 9, 2017Welcome Shannon to the staff as our newest mobility instructor! She will be starting her classes March 1st on Monday and Wednesday from 6:15 pm – 6:45 pm. Check out her bio below!
“As an Athletic Trainer, my passion is to help athletes continue their passion without pain. This led me to the University of Alabama where I completed my B.S. There, I worked with multiple collegiate teams including Alabama Football for the 2013-14 season. During undergrad, I also broadened my scope of the medical field by studying abroad at the Nation Taiwan Sports University where I learned traditional eastern medicine. I worked with the Judo, tae kwon do, and Olympic weightlifting teams.
I then continued on to earn my Masters degree in Sports Medicine at the University of Delaware. During the two-year program, I was a research assistant, worked with the Men’s and Women’s ice hockey teams, and was the head AT for a high school in Delaware. When I started CrossFit myself, I found another passion both for the sport and its athletes. Since the spring of 2016, I have been working with CrossFit and weightlifting athletes for the prevention, maintenance, and recovery from injury.”
Athletes of the Month: Heather and Phil Horsey
Posted February 2, 2017
Congratulations to Heather and Phil for being named athletes of the month for January!
**Phil has been anxiously waiting to receive the honor for a long time now, so be sure to congratulate him when you see him!**
1. What made you decide to join the Riv?
- Phil: I stopped playing rugby when my daughter was born, the Y wasn’t getting it done and I needed a new sport and challenge.
- Heather: I decided to join the Riv because of my husband 🙂 After being reluctant, I decided to give it a try. And of course he was right, I loved it!
2. How has RIV Athletics helped you reach some of your fitness goals?
- Phil: What’s a fitness goal? Just trying to slow down mother time and keep some deteriorating joints from getting worse.
- Heather: My fitness goal is to just stay active. I am able to do this because I love coming to the classes. I do not like to miss a class.
3. What has been your favorite workout? What have you improved on most?
- Phil: HSPU and overhead presses. Pull-ups and mobility, despite both still being really bad.
- Heather: I do not have a favorite workout. What I love is that every workout is different. I would have to say my push ups and rowing have improved the most, but both still need some more work 🙂
4. What is your favorite part of the Riv?
- Phil: The post Friday WOD adult beverages that I will kick-start with my donation of the first keg…
- Heather: My favorite part of the Riv is the welcoming environment!