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Video Demo: Strict Press
Posted April 7, 2016
‘I’m quite sure the first thing ever done with a barbell was a standing press, because it is the logical thing to do with a barbell.’
-The CrossFit Journal Articles (#45)
Now that we’ve fully covered squats, our video demo series is moving on to presses! We’re starting with the strict press.
Pushing a bar over your head is one of the most basic, obvious, functional movements, but just because the movement is simple doesn’t mean it can’t be tough. The strict press develops both upper body strength and your core.
This week Coach Kirsten offers up tips for correctly executing your strict press as well as common errors to avoid. Next up: push press.
Be sure to check out our other video demos and subscribe on YouTube to keep up with the series!
Athlete of the Month: Christian Harvey
Posted April 4, 2016Congratulations to Christian for being the Athlete of the Month for March. Christian is one of the strongest guys in the box, even though he doesn’t like to show it off. We’ll get him competing soon…
1. What made you decide to join the Riv?
I joined the Riv because I thought it was best box around. I looked around and no other box was offering what the Riv offered. The Riv offers a variety of classes while still maintaining the CrossFit environment.
2. How has CrossFit Riverfront helped you reach some of your fitness goals?
When I started at the Riv I just wanted to get active again & stay active. The Riv has helped me do that plus so much more. I’m at the box 4 days a week so the Riv has definitely kept me active.
3. What has been your favorite workout? What have you improved on most?
My favorite workout doesn’t have a name and we’ve actually only done it once. But it was when we snatched until we failed. Then we used that same snatch weight and started doing cleans. Once the cleans got too heavy we moved onto deadlifts until we failed. I love all the strength related workouts.
4. What is your favorite part of the Riv?
My favorite part of the Riv is the community. Coming to gym with friends is probably the main reason I’m still here today. The way everyone supports & encourages each other is amazing. You won’t find that many in gyms.
Video Demo: Overhead Squat
Posted March 28, 2016“The overhead squat is the ultimate core exercise, the heart of the snatch, and peerless in developing effective athletic movement. This functional gem trains for efficient transfer of energy from large to small body parts – the essence of sport movement. For this reason it is an indispensable tool for developing speed and power”. -CrossFit Journal Articles
The overhead squat is a difficult technical lift that is one of the hardest squats to master. They can be especially challenging for those who sit at a desk all day— pulling their shoulders forward— and have corresponding issues being comfortable with their arms behind their head.
Overhead squats increase mobility, flexibility, and stability as well as strength. Learning to do them well will help improve all your lifts, and greatly reduce the chances of injuring yourself while moving weight overhead day-to-day (a perfect example of what we mean by functional fitness).
Here’s Coach Kirsten going over the key elements of this fundamental movement.
Subscribe to our YouTube channel for new videos!
Other video demos in the Fundamental Movements: Squats series
Athlete of the Month: Cheyenne Ji
Posted March 4, 2016Congratulations to Cheyenne Ji for being our second Athlete of the Month for February!! Cheyenne has been at The Riv for almost two years now and is no doubt one of the most dedicated!
1. What made you decide to join the Riv?
I really wanted to improve my overall health. I knew I was unhealthy because I ate horrible and was always tired. There are a lot of illnesses that run on both sides of my family and I knew being healthy by eating right and exercising was something I needed to do. At the time, my old co-worker was a coach at the Riv and told me about CrossFit. I was a little intimidated and didn’t join at that time. However, with living right across the street, it was just too convenient to not at least try.
2. How has CrossFit Riverfront helped you reach some of your fitness goals?
When I first joined the Riv almost two years ago, my only goal was to get healthier and in better shape. I feel like I’ve way surpassed that goal and am now focusing on performance. The programming and class variety helps a lot with improving skills, endurance, strength, etc. but the coaches are the ones that have helped me the most. They push me to get out of my comfort zone and to try new things all the time.
3. What has been your favorite workout? What have you improved on most?
I can’t say I have a favorite workout since we’ve done so many but I’ve noticed a huge improvement in my strength and endurance. I love looking back to where I started and where I am today. Just to put things in perspective, I had never done a squat prior to joining the Riv. I also could barely run a mile without almost dying. In April, I will be running a 10 mile race and a half marathon and also competing in my first CrossFit competition, things I wouldn’t have even dreamed of doing prior to joining the Riv.
4. What is your favorite part of the Riv?
I love the community at the Riv! Everyone was so welcoming and encouraging when I first joined and I can still say that’s true today. It really makes a huge difference and one of the major contributing factors of why I enjoy working out every day. It’s great to see familiar faces but also to meet new people.
Athlete of the Month: Andre Kerr
Posted March 4, 2016Andre is one of the hardest working members, consistently doing two-a-days in RivFit. He is a huge motivation for us as Coaches and we are proud of where he has come since joining the Riv!!
1. What made you decide to join the Riv?
Curiosity. I drove by many times and never went to check it out. Then one day I was on living social and came across the trial. So I decided to check it out. Walked in to grab some info, the staff was cool during the greeting. I then saw some members working out and in my head I’m saying this place is no joke. The first set of classes beat me up a bit, which left me aching in places I forgot about. Those pains brought the most pleasure though because I knew I was doing something and I wanted more.
2. How has CrossFit Riverfront helped you reach some of your fitness goals?
My goal was to just lose some weight, get back into the fitness lifestyle, and to be great. I was able to lose quite a bit of weight, run longer, and do exercises I was unable to do before joining. The intensity of everyone in the box drives me to go hard everyday and to be better than I did the previous week.
3. What has been your favorite workout? What have you improved on most?
My favorite workout would probably be burpees (sad to say). It’s a full body exercise that can destroy even the strongest athlete. My endurance is most improved. Imagine walking up a flight of step and being out of breath once reaching the top. Now I have no problem doing that and more. Being able to keep up with others was big thing for me when first starting.
4. What is your favorite part of the Riv?
I have many favorite parts. Doing a different set of workouts each class, exercising your full body, the intensity of the box, and the music to name a few. My most favorite part its the push I receive from the coaches when I feel like I have nothing left to give. 14 minutes and 26secs into a 15 min AMRAP with someone saying “give me 10 more burpees, you can do it” and when you do, they want 2 more lol. It helps!!!!
The ‘Take It Off Challenge’ comes to The Riv
Posted February 22, 2016Last week, The News Journal’s Jen Rini stopped by The Riv to try out a RivFit class for the ‘Take It Off Challenge’. Sponsored by Christiana Care Health Systems, the challenge is encouraging people to track weight loss over the next 12 weeks. Jen picked a great day to come try out a class, as it featured the dreaded sled pushes!! Follow the link below to watch the video and read the article!

Video Demo: Front Squats
Posted February 16, 2016Next up in our video demo series of Fundamental Movements is the front squat. This is a key lift that directly translates into other movements, specifically the clean. Watch Coach Kirsten as she discusses the key points of the front squat, as well as common mistakes to avoid.
Subscribe to our YouTube channel for upcoming videos!
Posted February 11, 2016Get fit with Friends!! Join us for our second FREE Community Workout on March 12th! Classes will be 8 and 10 am.
We are hosting two FREE community workouts for ANYONE ages 12 and up! Both are RivFit (boot-camp style) and can be modified for any skill or athletic level! Come join our family for a fun, exhilarating workout and see what everyone is talking about. Bring your friends, family, coworkers, or just come alone and we’ll make you feel at home. You do NOT need to be a member or know a member to come!!!
Any level, no CrossFit experience needed! AGES 12 and up, fun for all!
Any Questions Please Contact Us:
Phone 302-745-2348

Atlas Power Wraps
Posted February 9, 2016The customized Atlas Power Wraps that we had in stock at The Riv can now be purchased directly through Atlas! Follow the link below and it will take you to the ordering page. There are (3) options already designed for quick ordering, as well as the option to customize your own!