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Leaner, Faster, Stronger: Nutrition is Key

Posted August 22, 2018

Mik is one of our most beloved coaches at the Riv. She has always been a positive influence in the community.  Although, you wouldn’t know it now, she used to struggle with her weight. She has always been a strong female athlete but at some point she realized that there was only so much left she could do in the gym to get better results. Over the last year she has taken it upon herself to commit to cleaning up her nutrition and the results are astounding. Although she was already into her weight loss journey when we started the Spring Nutrition Challenge, she still decided to join in on the fun. Here’s a little bit of what Mik had to say about her Challenge experience.

‘When I started the nutrition challenge, I was already about 6 months into having cleaned up my diet, lost quite a bit of weight, and gained a fairly solid grasp of how to eat healthy while staying sane lol. So, for me, going into the challenge I honestly didn’t expect to see much of a change. Boy was I wrong!! I weighed about 174 at 19.7% body fat when the challenge started. After the 5 weeks, I only dropped 8 pounds but my body fat went to 15% and my overall level of cardio capacity, life comfort, happiness and nutrition awareness went through the roof! Since my diet was already pretty clean, my focus was on making sure I was drinking enough water, getting enough sleep, cutting out certain types of fat (namely cheese), and cutting down on sugar – namely being more mindful of the type and volume of “protein bars” I was eating aaaaand realizing how much of a difference taking alcohol out of my diet could actually make! Since the challenge I haven’t been a saint LOL, but I’ve been able to maintain my body composition, I fully understand and embrace the benefits (and consequences!) of everything that I consume and I’ve adopted healthy habits that are sustainable while still allowing me to enjoy my social life, and food! I can’t wait for the next challenge!!’