Tag Archive: Murph Hero Wod

Murph Memorial Day Hero WOD: History, Tips and Times

Posted May 23, 2015



We will only be holding two classes this Memorial Day: 

  • RivFit version of Murph 10:30-11:30am
  • CrossFit Murph WOD 11:45am-1:15pm

Memorial Day is more than BBQs and the unofficial start to summer: it’s a time designated to remember and honor those who have died while serving in our armed forces.

As a CrossFit family, we especially honor and remember Navy SEAL Lt. Michael P. Murphy (“Murph”). A Penn State alumnae, Lt. Murphy was killed during Operation Redwing, a recon mission in Afghanistan. Murphy left his position of cover to find a clear signal so that he could communicate with headquarters and request support for his four-man team, exposing himself to fire from the larger Taliban forces that had surrounded them. He died on June 28th, 2005, at 29 years old. Lt. Murphy was posthumously awarded the Medal of Honor— the first in the U.S. Navy to receive this medal since the Vietnam War— as well as the Purple Heart and Medal of Honor.




Murph, like all of CrossFit’s Hero WODs, is intended to be difficult and intense so that we remain mindful of the physical and mental hardships our troops endure to protect and preserve our country’s freedom. The RX workout is 100 pullups, 200 pushups and 300 air squats sandwiched by a mile run, in a 20 pound vest or body armor. Partition the pullups, pushups and squats however works for you.

For many the best strategy is to break up the reps into 20 sets of 5 pullups, 10 pushups and 15 air squats (20 rounds of Cindy); more advanced athletes can try 10 rounds of 10, 20, 30. If you’re not used to the volume replace the pullups with ring rows. Overexertion and burnout can be a concern for WODs of this length and intensity— be smart, perform small sets and take breaks when you need them.

Times vary widely based on experience; runners who can complete a sub-8 minute mile should shoot for under 40 minutes. Beginners can expect to take 70 minutes or more.

Eat well the day before: plenty of fats and protein will keep you fueled throughout the WOD. The weather looks beautiful for this Monday, warm and sunny! HYDRATE HYDRATE HYDRATE starting NOW and get some solid nights’ sleep.

Recover post-Murph by enjoying the rest of the day with loved ones. Hydrate, eat, and we’ll see you at the box Tuesday!