Athlete of the Month
Posted January 2, 2018

What made you decide to join the RIV?
My best friend has been doing CrossFit for two years and it’s taken him to new levels of fitness. Levels that has improved his run times dramatically in addition to physical fitness. He introduced me to CrossFit and then I looked for the most competitive box in Delaware.
How has the RIV helped you achieve some of your fitness goals?
RIV has done dramatic wonders for my cardio and strength. I’ve shaved at least 15-18 minutes off of my 10 mile run time, which scared me because that wasn’t going all out. It’s also done wonders for my Army fitness test. I breeze by on the 2 mile run and max my pushups and sit-ups on the test. I max the the test on the 18-21 year old scale.
What has been your favorite workout? What have you improved the most?
I greatly enjoy any of the bench mark workouts like Helen, Barbara or Debbie. I think I’ve improved most on my form. OHS, cleans and lifting heavier weight.
What is your favorite part of the RIV?
My favorite part of CrossFit is anytime I have to push very hard and dig deep. Also, the great chemistry between the members and coaches. The team motivation from both members and coaches makes it fun and competitive!
Posted December 4, 2017

What made you decide to join the RIV?
I joined the RIV last spring, when they were having the summer body challenge, it just seemed like a good opportunity to try something new.
How has the RIV helped you achieve some of your fitness goals?
The RIV has helped me achieve goals that I didn’t even know I had before, it makes me want to push harder . Before my main goal was always just ‘weight loss’. However, after joining the RIV, some of my new goals are based more on endurance and weight lifting and becoming a better athlete all around, as well as staying healthy.
What has been your favorite workout? What have you improved the most?
I am not sure if I have one favorite workout, because everything is challenging for me, which makes me excited to work out and do better during all the workouts. If I had to pick, snatches and cleans are fun, and my favorite class is OLY, because I get to work on my form. I think my cleans have improved the most, but its constant progress which I love, even if it’s a little tiny progress.
What is your favorite part of the RIV?
My favorite part of the RIV is the energy from everyone, athletes and coaches. My first few days I was intimidated , especially when walking through the WOD but everyone was and still is beyond supportive, they made me feel welcome. That’s honestly my favorite part, and also to know that as much as I want to improve on something , there’s someone next to me who’s watching and wants me to improve or hit a new PR as much as I do.
Posted November 1, 2017
What made you decide to join the RIV?
A friend of mine referred me. I was looking to get in overall better shape.
How has the RIV helped you achieve some of your fitness goals?
My strength and stamina have increased tremendously since joining Riv Athletics.
What has been your favorite workout? What have you improved the most?
Honestly, I do not have just one favorite. Each workout has been challenging in its own way. I have improved the most on my squats. All the credit goes to the coaches who have helped me achieve my goals.
What is your favorite part of the RIV?
Team workouts are my favorite. Partner WOD Friday and RivWOD are what I look forward to most.
Posted August 2, 2017

What made you decide to join the RIV?
My wife had been doing the WODs for almost a year before I joined. I was committed to my swimming and various lifting and cardio programs, but after watching one of the in-house competitions, I knew I was missing out on something new and challenging…and I wanted in.
How has the RIV helped you achieve some of your fitness goals?
The RIV has helped me primarily become more confident with working harder at my weaknesses and accepting that it takes time to achieve my goals. However, once I’ve achieved my PR, time to make new ones.
What has been your favorite workout? What have you improved the most?
My favorite workout was from a STRONGMAN class:
50 power cleans @body weight
50 cal row
40 back squats @body weight
40 cal row
30 power cleans @body weight
30 cal assault bike
20 front squats @body weight
20 cal assault bike
10 power cleans @body weight
10 burpees over the bar
Thank goodness it was a partner WOD.
I’ve improved most with my lifting. I still have a lot to achieve, but as my technique improves, the weight is slowly going up.
What is your favorite part of the RIV?
My favorite part of the RIV is watching my fellow athletes go all in with the WODs. It doesn’t matter how old, young, fast, slow, strong, or new you are to the RIV. We’re all doing the WODs together and cheering each other on through the pain, sweat, and satisfaction when it’s all over. Then on to get a shake made by the multi-talented Gabby.
Posted July 3, 2017

What made you decide to join the RIV?
I joined the RIV because I felt like working out on my own wasn’t producing any results. I would get bored quickly and not push myself as much as I could. I was looking for a group atmosphere that wouldn’t allow me to quit. I definitely found all of that and more at the RIV.
How has the RIV helped you achieve some of your fitness goals?
I am certain that within the past several months, I have become stronger and fitter than I have been in a long time. These workouts kill me and I love it. Slowly I am starting to see muscles that I haven’t seen since I swam in college. I honestly thought that there was no other sport or workout that could be as challenging as swimming but I have found it in CrossFit.
What has been your favorite workout? What have you improved the most?
Unfortunately, with work I cannot make it to RivEndurance very often but I wish I could because that class is awesome. That class crushes me and in my mind there’s no reason to be at the gym if you are going to go easy and not work for it. I also love burpees. I think my biggest improvement has been getting better at each workout. When I first started I felt slow and weak, now I feel like I’m so much better from where I started.
What is your favorite part of the RIV?
In no particular order I absolutely love the entire staff, the team atmosphere, and the competition. The RIV has really become my happy place. As long as I make it to the RIV every day I feel happy and accomplished. The coaches are such wonderful people and I know the RIV would not be what it is without them.
Posted June 1, 2017

Congratulations to Faith for being named Athlete of the Month for June! Faith consistently puts in two-a-days with Cycling and Endurance/RivFit!
1. What made you decide to join the Riv?
- I wanted to try something different – had been a member of the YMCA and it just wasn’t cutting it. There’s a different feel at the Riv that really motivates me!
2. How has RIV Athletics helped you reach some of your fitness goals?
- My passion is backpacking and before I got serious at the Riv, my treks were filled with struggles – mostly physical. Since I’ve gotten into better shape, backpacking is so much more enjoyable. I went for a solo hike a month ago – that was probably the best trip of my life!!
3. What has been your favorite workout? What have you improved on most?
- Favorite workouts: RivFit, Endurance, & Sprint! I know I’m improving when the 10 lbs dumbbells became too light & I needed to increase!!
4. What is your favorite part of the Riv?
- I love that I’m constantly encouraged by the coaches – to do the best that I can, to push myself further. It doesn’t matter that I’m not one of the many elite athletes at the Riv, they treat everyone with respect, encouragement, & enthusiastic support -even us beginners & novices!! I have always felt welcomed!!
Posted May 1, 2017

Congratulations to the Athlete of the Month for May, Fred! He puts in so much time at the gym (and even more at the monster bar) that he got his own shake on the board!
1. What made you decide to join the Riv?
- My reason for joining the Riv was my doctor saying I needed to exercise to lower my cholesterol. Coach Mike would also tell me every day I would like this gym!
2. How has RIV Athletics helped you reach some of your fitness goals?
- My cholesterol has lowered to normal levels without medication and I’ve lost plenty of fat and turned it into muscle.
3. What has been your favorite workout? What have you improved on most?
- My favorite workouts are the Sunday Riv/WOD and the Endurance class is no joke!
4. What is your favorite part of the Riv?
- The people– everyone from the coaches to the members are really good people who enjoy seeing each other’s success!
Posted April 4, 2017
Congratulations to Ali for being named Athlete of the Month for April! Don’t let the shirt fool you, he loves burpees…
1. What made you decide to join the Riv?
- I started going to a regular gym 1-2 years before joining the Riv and while I had enough motivation to go there regularly to train strength, I realized I clearly wasn’t in good shape considering mobility and cardio and I missed motivation. So, I decided to try the Riverfront and it was definitely one of the best decisions of my life.
2. How has RIV Athletics helped you reach some of your fitness goals?
- I think the Riv has an amazing coaching staff who are always pushing me to get better. I have lost around 15 pounds since I have joined without eating healthy, which is pretty amazing.
3. What has been your favorite workout? What have you improved on most?
- My favorite workout is any workout that does not have burpees :). Recently, I really liked the “12 days of Christmas” workout. My biggest improvement has been my stamina as I have been able to do multiple workouts in a day.
4. What is your favorite part of the Riv?
- I really look forward to Sunday RivWod classes as they are awesome.
Posted March 2, 2017
Congratulations to long-time member and 5:15’er Mike Turick for being named athlete of the month for March!!
1. What made you decide to join the Riv?
- My wife! She gave me a gift card as a birthday present in summer 2014 since I had expressed interest in CrossFit. I did a trial membership and really enjoyed the varied workouts and tight-knit community, and decided to join full time.
2. How has RIV Athletics helped you reach some of your fitness goals?
- I didn’t establish fitness goals until I joined the Riv. The coaches are amazing and the workout programming has helped me focus on improving my core lifts. It’s really gratifying to see progress through new PR’s, or learning new gymnastics skills that I never thought I would be able to do.
3. What has been your favorite workout? What have you improved on most?
- Favorite workout – Fight Gone Bad. Biggest improvement – first Fran time: 9:07; most recent: 4:54.
4. What is your favorite part of the Riv?
- I have two favorite parts of the Riv – the community and the coaches. I’ve created some great friendships at the Riv all while increasing my fitness level.
Posted February 2, 2017

Congratulations to Heather and Phil for being named athletes of the month for January!
**Phil has been anxiously waiting to receive the honor for a long time now, so be sure to congratulate him when you see him!**
1. What made you decide to join the Riv?
- Phil: I stopped playing rugby when my daughter was born, the Y wasn’t getting it done and I needed a new sport and challenge.
- Heather: I decided to join the Riv because of my husband 🙂 After being reluctant, I decided to give it a try. And of course he was right, I loved it!
2. How has RIV Athletics helped you reach some of your fitness goals?
- Phil: What’s a fitness goal? Just trying to slow down mother time and keep some deteriorating joints from getting worse.
- Heather: My fitness goal is to just stay active. I am able to do this because I love coming to the classes. I do not like to miss a class.
3. What has been your favorite workout? What have you improved on most?
- Phil: HSPU and overhead presses. Pull-ups and mobility, despite both still being really bad.
- Heather: I do not have a favorite workout. What I love is that every workout is different. I would have to say my push ups and rowing have improved the most, but both still need some more work 🙂
4. What is your favorite part of the Riv?
- Phil: The post Friday WOD adult beverages that I will kick-start with my donation of the first keg…
- Heather: My favorite part of the Riv is the welcoming environment!