I was always athletic when I was younger, dipping my toes into every sport but competitively playing volleyball for school was my main sport. I never focused on nutrition and just ate what we had in the house with takeout being an option when Mom or myself didn’t want to cook or was getting off a long day between school and work.
Once college came around I started to workout less and eat more. Again never thinking it was an issue and never feeling too bad about myself. Then came the end of senior year and the beginning of becoming a full fledge “adult” (still don’t have it all figured out but that’s okay)!! At this point in life I decided that the normal wasn’t working out for me anymore so I decided to jump right in with both feet and step out of my comfort zone of the elliptical and occasionally going to the gym once and awhile.
I joined Crossfit Riverfront October 16, 2015. I joined because I needed something different and it was 6 month until I was getting married. It was also one of the most stressful times since I was just starting my first “big girl job”, I was buying a house, and planning a wedding. However I found a place to release that stress and get through whatever was thrown my way.
In the past two years I have gone to the gym more than I ever have since playing high school sports. But again never paid attention to the nutrition piece. In October 2016 the gym decided to do a Whole 30 Challenge. 30 days of just basically meat, vegetable, and minimal fruit. It was brutal at first but I stuck to it religiously. I completed the Whole 30 Challenge and lost almost 20lbs and learned that whole food could be delicious and that it made me feel better about myself. However it wasn’t sustainable for a long period of time. I ended up spiraling back to old habits harder than before and gained back all the weight I had lost and then a couple more.
In June 2017, the gym decided to do a summer body fitness challenge. I’m competitive by nature and signed right on up for it. Throughout the six weeks I was working out for 4-5 hours a day but was not focused on nutrition and basically eating whatever I felt like. I ended up winning the challenge but didn’t sustain any of it because I burnt myself out.
Then in August 2017, I switched schools that I was teaching and began working at the front desk at the Riv. With these new job changes I learned the importance of meal prep. When going from one job to the next I learned that if I didn’t prep it was take out for me and that led to bad choices.
Towards the end of 2017 I was battling with self image issues and knew I needed some other change in my life. I started to work with a nutritionist in January 2018. She is great and makes a plan that is easy to stick to but I wasn’t always sticking to it as best as I could be especially when life got in my way. However I was making slow progress.
Then the nutrition challenge got announced at the gym. Me and my competitive nature couldn’t resist a challenge so I signed up. I knew it would be easy to stick to since it was mostly what I was already doing. However I also knew that this was what I needed to help get me past my sweet tooth that I just couldn’t kick. Within this challenge I stuck to the plan. It had similar guidelines as the whole 30 but with the added bonus of being able to have peanut butter and rice!! This made it so I didn’t feel so limited. I also explored different recipes and found meals that were super healthy, made of food I used to hate but now love, and didn’t make me feel guilty.
This challenge solidified the path I was taking and helped get over a hurdle that had been just a little too high for so long. Since January I have re-lost the 20lbs and have more confidence than ever. I’m still working on the nutrition and workout balance but I know now through this challenge what it takes to maintain a healthy love with food and allow yourself to have what you want (in moderation) but ultimately plan your week out and stick to it!!
The battle between myself, nutrition, and fitness can be though at times but right now I feel like I am strong and am slowly breaking down barriers day by day. It might not be easy but I know it’s all worth it in the end.

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